In troubled times we band together, and in recent months faced with a pandemic lockdown and economic turmoil, that time to support one another has never been more crucial. Canada and the US share more than just a border, we count on each other for trade, culture and are united in friendship, even in troubled […]
New site offers Canadian pet parents reputable online advice
Where do you start and how do you know which breed is right for your lifestyle? is a site that recently launched in Canada aimed at providing confidence and much needed online advice and tools dedicated to potential and existing pet families.
Guide: Top 10 Travel Tech Essentials
Here are some of our favourite and useful travel tech gear that you may want to consider for the traveller in your life…or drop hints to Santa. Too early? Nah, remember Black Friday and Cyber Monday are just around the corner and you can safely bet that there will be some deals to be had!
How a Canadian company is using Blockchain technology to help prevent art crimes
Vandana Taxali is an intellectual property lawyer at Entcounsel, art agent and the founder of Canadian startup, Artcryption – a source that helps authenticate art and collectibles and manage intellectual property rights using distributed ledger or blockchain technology.
5 Ways To Get Your Mobile Devices Ready Before Heading Back To School
I checked in with tech expert Winston Sih for his tips and hacks on how to get our phones ready for the coming Fall months.
Useful Tech Picks for University and College Students
We survived the first year of university and the many new experiences it brought. We also learned a few things that came in handy when it comes to tech.
FoodFund Wins $100,000 TELUS Pitch Grand Prize
Divyansh Ojha was announced as the Grand Prize Winner for his business, FoodFund Inc. His company has recognized the alarming rate of fresh fruits and vegetables that never make it to the store shelves because they are deemed less than perfect. They may not be the perfect apple or a cucumber that’s bent too far.
Sleep more & stress less with these 7 useful apps & tech
Want to reduce stress, get better sleep, cope with depression and anxiety, increase work performance, or increase happiness and confidence? There’s something for all ages including young kids to seniors. Here are some of my favourites apps and tech devices (which I’ve tried) so I can incorporate some quiet time on my own time, at my own pace…
12 Father’s Day Gift Ideas
Dads are notorious for not being the easiest to buy for! They are quite happy relaxing in peace with a good read in hand, beverage of choice by their side and some great music in the background, am I right? They don’t ever want anything, however, we’ve come across a few ideas that we think dads will love, so you can skip the go-to lottery tickets and golf shirt this year!
Incorporating Tech Into Your Wedding Day
94% of couples have reported having incorporated technology into their wedding in some way with 80% creating a wedding website for their guests. 70% of the brides surveyed reported using social media to find and follow vendors with 48% of brides using social media to purchase items for their wedding.