“Avatar: The Last Airbender” is a fantasy drama series from Netflix and the live-action adaptation of the hit animated series of the same name. The story follows Aang, a twelve-year-old Air Nomad who discovers that he is the Avatar, the only person in the world destined to master all four elements: water, earth, fire, and air. Aang must fulfill his destiny as the Avatar to defeat the Fire Nation, which has declared war against the other nations. “Avatar: The Last Airbender” instantly garnered 22.2 million views upon its release, making it one of Netflix’s most successful premieres for an original series.
Viewers in Canada can stream all eight episodes of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” exclusively on Netflix. You can stream the series on Netflix for CAD$16.49 (Standard Plan) or CAD$20.99 (Premium Plan). If you’re on a budget and don’t mind occasional ad breaks, you can also opt to stream the show with Netflix’s cheaper, ad-supported plan, which costs CAD$5.99.
“Avatar: The Last Airbender” streams from HD to 4K on Netflix with Audio Descriptions (AD), Closed Captions (CC), and subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH) in several languages.
On Netflix, you can watch “Avatar: The Last Airbender” on any Internet-connected devices like iOS and Android phones, smart TVs, computers, set-top boxes, and game consoles like the Xbox series or Sony PlayStation. You can also stream the show through your browser on netflix.com/ca.
If you’re a fan of the beloved “Avatar: The Last Airbender” franchise, we at TechDaily believe that Netflix is a great streaming service to watch the show, as it also offers the original animated version of the series.
Table of Contents
How Many Episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender Are Available to Stream in Canada?
“Avatar: The Last Airbender” has a total of eight episodes, which were all released on Netflix on February 22. Here’s a quick look at the titles of each episode:
- “Aang”
- “Warriors”
- “Omashu”
- “Into the Dark”
- “Spirited Away”
- “Masks”
- “The North”
- “Legends”
All eight episodes of the show can be streamed in Canada through Netflix.
What Is Avatar: The Last Airbender About?
“Avatar: The Last Airbender” is the live-action adaptation of the eponymous animated series. The series is set in a world where civilization is divided into four nations: the Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation, and the Air Nomads. The story follows the young boy Aang from the Air Nomads, who must master all four elements—water, fire, earth, and air—to fulfill his destined role as the Avatar, tasked with maintaining balance in the world. Together with his water-bending companions, Aang must use his abilities to defeat the militaristic Fire Nation, which has waged war against the other nations.
Who Are the Creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender?
The television producer and writer Albert Kim developed “Avatar: The Last Airbender” for Netflix based on the animated Nickelodeon series of the same name.
Who Are in the Cast of Avatar: The Last Airbender?
The cast of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” features a strong ensemble of Asian and American actors, including:
- Gordon Cormier as Avatar Aang
- Kiawentiio as Katara
- Ian Ousley as Sokka
- Dallas Liu as Prince Zuko
- Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Uncle Iroh
- Ken Leung as Commander Zhao
- Daniel Dae Kim as Fire Lord Ozai
Who Are the Main Characters of Avatar: The Last Airbender?
The main characters of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” are:
- Aang – An optimistic and kind-hearted 12-year-old boy from the Air Nomads who discovers he is the Avatar.
- Katara – Aang’s closest friend from the Southern Water Tribe. She is known for her resourcefulness and being protective of those she loves.
- Sokka – Katara’s older brother. Unlike the rest of the group, Sokka does not possess any bending abilities but compensates for it through his intelligence and combat skills.
- Prince Zuko – The Prince of the Fire Nation who plots to capture Aang in an attempt to restore his honor and regain his father’s trust.
Why Is Avatar: The Last Airbender So Popular?
“Avatar: The Last Airbender” achieved instant popularity as the original series holds a massive, dedicated fanbase, creating a strong foundation for the live-action adaptation. The series also features a diverse ensemble cast that reflects the multicultural world of “Avatar.” This commitment to inclusivity further extends the show’s popularity to audiences seeking diverse representation.
What Do Critics Say About Avatar: The Last Airbender?
Despite its impressive viewership, “Avatar: The Last Airbender” failed to impress the critics. Many were disappointed with the show’s seemingly lackluster production and narrative, which didn’t flesh out anything new from its source material.
“Avatar: The Last Airbender” received a Rotten critic score of 59% on Rotten Tomatoes’ Tomatometer. See what critics are saying about the live-action adaptation:
- “Netflix gets the look and action right in a lavish series based on the Nickelodeon show, but too-elemental dialogue and uneven performances make this eight-episode sit a bit of a grind for anyone who has gotten past puberty.” — CNN.com
- “This version, on the other hand, is weighed down by stiff acting, slow pacing, robotic dialogue, touch-and-go CGI, and more exposition than an army of earthbenders can handle.” — AV Club
Avatar: The Last Airbender Fans and Community
You can join an “Avatar: The Last Airbender” community on Reddit, which has 1.5 million members. Joining the community allows you to communicate with thousands of other “Avatar” fans, and engage in endless fan theories and discussions about all things “Avatar.”
Where to Buy Avatar: The Last Airbender Merchandise in Canada?
Be a part of Aang and his waterbender team with various “Avatar: The Last Airbender” merchandise such as toy figures, plushies, clothing, accessories, books, Funko Pops, costumes, and more, which you can purchase on Amazon in Canada.
Will Avatar: The Last Airbender Get A Season 2?
As of now, Netflix hasn’t officially renewed “Avatar: The Last Airbender” for a second season yet.