“Big Brother Canada” is a reality TV program based on the original Dutch show of the same name. It follows the same premise of the franchise, where participants are locked in an isolated house without any access to the outside world to compete for a grand cash prize of CAD$100,000. The success of “Big Brother Canada” lies in its entertaining and addictive blend of suspenseful narratives, interpersonal drama, and outrageous twists, which fostered a dedicated viewership eagerly anticipating the next dramatic turn. Since its premiere in 2013, “Big Brother Canada” has drawn an average of 2.3 million weekly viewers, proving itself to be a captivating and must-watch reality show for Canadians.
Currently, there are no streaming platforms in Canada that offer all 11 seasons of “Big Brother Canada.” Only several seasons of the show can be streamed on subscription-based streaming services such as Prime Video and FuboTV.
You can also stream several seasons of “Big Brother Canada” on free streaming sites like Global TV and the official Big Brother Canada website.
In this article, we will discuss each streaming option to determine which platform suits your entertainment needs better.
Table of Contents
1. Prime Video with Stack TV
Seasons 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 of “Big Brother Canada” on Prime Video with a Stack TV add-on subscription. The series can be streamed in HD quality without subtitles.
Prime Video supports devices like smartphones, smart TVs, computers, tablets, web browsers, media players like Amazon Fire Stick, and game consoles like Xbox and PlayStation. You can also enjoy a 30-day free trial on Prime Video if you’re a new user. However, residents of Quebec are not eligible to avail themselves of the free trial.
To stream the “Big Brother Canada” series on Stack TV, subscribe to any of the following Prime Video plans, select Stack TV as your add-on, and pay an additional CAD$12.99 per month.
Plan | Price | Simultaneous Screens | Video Resolution |
Monthly | CAD$9.99 | 3 devices | UHD to 4K |
Annual | CAD$99.99 | 3 devices | UHD to 4K |
2. FuboTV
You can also stream Seasons 8, 9, 10, and 11 of “Big Brother Canada” on FuboTV. The reality show can be streamed in HD with subtitles.
On FuboTV, you can stream episodes of “Big Brother Canada” on your computer, iPhone, iPad, Android phone and tablet, Roku, Apple TV, Xbox, Chromecast and Amazon Fire TV. FuboTV also allows you to stream from 10 devices at a time. Unfortunately, FuboTV does not offer any free trial.
To stream “Big Brother Canada” on FuboTV, register for an account and choose any of its following membership plans:
Plan | Monthly | Quarterly | Annual |
Soccer Basic | CAD$24.99 | CAD$21.66 | CAD$18.33 |
Premium | CAD$39.99 | CAD$34.99 | CAD$31.67 |
3. Global TV
Seasons 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 of “Big Brother Canada” are available to stream for free on Global TV in HD with Closed Captions (CC) in English. You can stream on Global TV without signing up for an account. However, expect interruptive ad breaks during your viewing sessions.
4. Big Brother Canada Website
Seasons 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 of “Big Brother Canada” are available to stream for free on the show’s official website. The website also contains other content such as news, photos, and other information about “Big Brother Canada.” Like Global TV, the official website also includes occasional ad breaks.
What Is the Best Streaming Option to Watch Big Brother Canada?
The best streaming option to stream “Big Brother Canada” is through Prime Video. On Prime Video, you can stream 8 seasons of “Big Brother Canada,” while FuboTV only offers 4 seasons of the show. This makes Prime Video a viable option, especially for viewers who want to binge-watch more seasons of the show. When it comes to the cost-effectiveness of the platforms, Prime Video also proves to be an affordable option, even with its additional Stack TV subscription. On Prime Video, you will pay a total of CAD$22.98, an add-on subscription included, which is still cheaper than most of FuboTV’s standalone plans. Opting for FuboTV in this context is ideal for viewers on a budget. Additionally, viewers looking to stream other titles get to explore more stories on Prime Video, since it has one of the largest content libraries out there.
If you prefer to stream “Big Brother Canada” without charges, we recommend watching it on Global TV. While the quality you get on both platforms is basically the same, you have more content options to explore on Global TV compared to the “Big Brother Canada” website, which only streams the show.
What Is Big Brother Canada About?
“Big Brother Canada” is a reality game show where contestants, also called houseguests, live together in a single house under constant surveillance to compete in a series of games to eliminate all the other contestants until only one remains. The houseguests must accomplish specific tasks to gain an advantage over the others or gain immunity from eviction. Houseguests must contend for their place in the house and avoid eviction or risk their chances at winning a whopping CAD$100,000 cash prize.
“Big Brother Canada” is the Canadian version of the international “Big Brother” franchise.
Who Are the Creators of Big Brother Canada?
“Big Brother Canada” is based on the original Dutch reality TV show of the same name by John de Mol. Insight Productions produced the show, while Slice Channel and Global Television Network handled the distribution.
Who Are In the Cast of Big Brother Canada?
Arisa Cox has served as the show’s resident host and presenter since the first season of the show. Each season features a whole new set of contestants. Meanwhile, the reality series has housed a total of 147 houseguests since its debut. Here are the winners for each season of the show:
- Season 1 (2013): Jillian MacLaughlin
- Season 2 (2014): Jon Pardy
- Season 3 (2015): Sarah Hanlon
- Season 4 (2016): Nick & Phil Paquette (as a pair)
- Season 5 (2017): Kevin Martin
- Season 6 (2018): Paras Atashnak
- Season 7 (2019): Dane Rupert
- Season 8 (2020): Sheldon Jean
- Season 9 (2021): Tychon Carter-Newman
- Season 10 (2022): Kevin Jacobs
- Season 11 (2023): Terrell “Ty” McDonald
Why Is Big Brother Canada So Popular?
“Big Brother Canada” gained popularity among millions of audiences for a variety of reasons. The show combines entertaining and addictive elements of competition and social dynamics, keeping viewers engaged. The real-time and unscripted live feeds, which give audiences an immersive viewing experience, greatly contributed to the show’s popularity as well. Additionally, the show’s diverse and dynamic set of participants added to its overall audience appeal.
What Do Critics Say About Big Brother Canada?
Big Brother Canada” was met with positive reception from audiences during its earlier seasons. Audiences positively compared “Big Brother Canada” to its US counterpart, but most of them hailed the Canadian franchise as the superior version over the latter. The reality show even received numerous award nominations since its premiere. It has won a total of two awards for its production design and photography.
“Big Brother Canada” has a 6.2/10 score on IMDb. Here’s what critics say about the reality show:
- “It’s that ludicrous excitement, that sports-like delight, that makes Big Brother one of the most thrilling things on television.” — National Post
- “Big Brother Canada 9 was a fun and captivating season that gave fans exactly what we needed. Changing the focus to be more about the cast and accessible challenges leveled the playing field to give everyone a chance, which allowed the players to be strategic and cutthroat. The diverse cast showcased many walks of life and highlighted a wide representation across Canada.” – The Young Folks
How Many Seasons of Big Brother Canada Are Available to Stream in Canada?
There are currently 11 seasons in the “Big Brother Canada” franchise, which you can stream in Canada through Prime Video, FuboTV, Global TV, and the “Big Brother Canada” website. Each season follows the same objectives but with different participants. Listed below are the seasons of “Big Brother Canada” and the respective number of episodes in each season:
Season 1 (2013)
- 29 episodes
Season 2 (2014)
- 29 episodes
Season 3 (2015)
- 29 episodes
Season 4 (2016)
- 32 episodes
Season 5 (2017)
- 29 episodes
Season 6 (2018)
- 29 episodes
Season 7 (2019)
- 29 episodes
Season 8 (2020)
- 24 episodes
Season 9 (2021)
- 29 episodes
Season 10 (2022)
- 29 episodes
Season 11 (2023)
- 29 episodes
Where to Buy Big Brother Merch in Canada?
Want to feel like a houseguest? Then be sure to browse through the CBN Store and purchase official “Big Brother” merchandise such as T-shirts, hoodies, robes, and more.
Will There Be A New Season of Big Brother Canada?
Yes. Season 12 of “Big Brother Canada” is slated to arrive sometime in 2024.