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What is Insidious: The Red Door About?
“Insidious: The Red Door” is a supernatural thriller film that follows the lives of father and son, Josh and Dalton Lambert, after the events of previous “Insidious” films, specifically “Insidious: Chapter 2.” In this installment, we see the rough aftereffects on the pair’s life nine years later, with Josh and Renai being divorced and now college student Dalton feeling more distant than ever. However, they have to mend their relationship when they individually experience supernatural occurrences. They each start to become haunted by different spirits – Josh by his dad and Dalton by the demons and events that surround the red door in his dreams, drawings, and memories. Josh goes on a mission to find out more about his dad, which leads him to Renai. He finds out that his father actually knew how to do astral projection, but killed himself due to him not understanding the things he saw.
Meanwhile, Dalton astral projects himself and ends up in the demon’s lair. His parents save him, with Josh being left behind. Josh’s father helps Josh back to the living world, and with the red door sealed, the family can finally think of the bright future ahead of them.
Who Are in the Cast and Production of Insidious: The Red Door?
What is the Rating for Insidious: The Red Door?
How Many People Watch Insidious: The Red Door?
How Are the Reviews for Insidious: The Red Door?
Where to Watch Insidious: The Red Door?
Is Insidious: The Red Door Available on Streaming?
“Insidious: The Red Door” is currently not yet available on streaming platforms such as Disney Plus, Netflix, and Amazon Prime Video.