“One Piece” is a long-running anime series based on Eiichiro Oda’s manga of the same name. The anime series follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his crew of pirates as they search the seas for the greatest treasure called the One Piece. With its richly detailed world-building, multidimensional characters, long-running narrative, and universal themes of friendship and loyalty, “One Piece” successfully appealed to millions of audiences around the globe, making it one of the most watched and enduring anime franchises worldwide. In its 20-season (and counting) run, the show’s popularity only continues to grow with the release of Netflix’s own live-action rendition of the animated series, further expanding the reach of the series to diverse audiences. In 2022, “One Piece” was hailed as the most-watched show in the world, beating other mainstream series from the West like “Stranger Things” and “The Office.”
Viewers in Canada can stream “One Piece” on subscription-based streaming services like Netflix and Crunchyroll. Do take note that the availability of all seasons and episodes may vary depending on the platform, so you must use a VPN.
You can also stream “One Piece” without charges on free streaming services like Hoopla.
If you prefer having physical copies of your beloved shows, you can buy “One Piece” on home entertainment media formats like DVD and Blu-ray.
In this guide, we will discuss each streaming platform and see which of them can give you the best “One Piece” streaming experience.
Table of Contents
1. Netflix
Netflix is a subscription-based on-demand streaming service with over 200 million subscribers worldwide. It boasts one of the biggest streaming libraries of original content, movies, TV shows, and more. Netflix is also known for its cutting-edge and user-friendly interface.
Netflix is compatible with various devices like smartphones, smart TVs, PCs, laptops, tablets, game consoles, and media players like Chromecast and Roku.
How to Watch “One Piece” On Netflix In Canada
The only way to watch “One Piece” on Netflix in Canada is by using a VPN service:
- Subscribe to a VPN service. (ExpressVPN is our #1 recommendation)
- Download and install the VPN app on your preferred device.
- Connect to a server in the US.
- Open the Netflix website or app, then sign up for an account.
- Search for “One Piece” in its library, hit play, and start streaming.
Tip: A VPN is not just beneficial for bypassing geo-restrictions, but it also enhances online security by encrypting your data, protects your privacy by masking your IP address, allows safe browsing on public Wi-Fi networks, and can even help save money on certain online purchases. Our top VPN recommendation for streaming Netflix is ExpressVPN, which offers a 30-day risk-free trial with a 30-day money-back guarantee if you use the link below:
You can also download your favorite Netflix content to your devices for offline streaming with a Premium and Standard plan. While Netflix is available in Canada, only Netflix US offers all 20 seasons of “One Piece,” so you must use a VPN to watch the series. To stream “One Piece” on Netflix, register for an account and subscribe to any of the following plans:
Plan | Price | Number of simultaneous screens | Streaming quality |
Basic with ads | CAD$5.99 | 1 device | HD |
Standard | CAD$16.49 | 2 devices | HD |
Premium | CAD$20.99 | 4 devices | Ultra HD |
2. Crunchyroll
Crunchyroll is a subscription-based streaming platform that specializes in providing a vast collection of anime, manga, and other Asian entertainment. It is compatible with devices like iOS and Android phones, gaming consoles, and media players.
The paid subscriptions also come with free access to Crunchyroll’s digital manga library. On the other hand, those who do not wish to pay for a plan can still access Crunchyroll’s content with an ad-supported free subscription. The platform also simulcasts new episodes of anime shows after their release in Japan.
Incomplete seasons and episodes of “One Piece” are available to stream with English subtitles on Crunchyroll in Canada. You can also opt to stream the English-dubbed version. To stream the series on Crunchyroll, sign up for an account and subscribe to any of the following plans:
Tier | Price | Streaming quality |
Fan (monthly) | CAD$7.99 | 360p to 720p |
Mega Fan (monthly) | CAD$9.99 | 360p to 720p |
Ultimate Fan (annual) | CAD$14.99 | 360p to 720p |
3. Hoopla
Hoopla is a digital library that offers mostly educational content. It also has an on-demand selection of movies and TV shows, including eight seasons of “One Piece.” Hoopla is free and only requires users to present a library card from an accredited library to access the platform.
What Is the Best Streaming Option to Watch One Piece in Canada?
The best streaming option to watch “One Piece” in Canada is Netflix. While Netflix is more expensive than Crunchyroll, we think Netflix is the superior choice. Netflix provides 19 seasons of the show, while Crunchyroll’s “One Piece” collection is incomplete. Netflix may be more expensive than Crunchyroll’s, but it boasts better streaming quality, a smoother interface, and a bigger content library.
What Is One Piece About?
“One Piece” chronicles the epic adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his quest to become the King of the Pirates. As Luffy sets sail across the Grand Line, an area of the vast sea that is home to hostile pirates and magical water creatures, he forms a gang of pirates called the Straw Hat Pirates. Throughout the series, Luffy and his friends embark on a journey to achieve their own dreams while trying to navigate a marine world full of enemies, allies, and mythical creatures.
Who Are the Creators of One Piece?
The creator of “One Piece” is the renowned Japanese manga artist Eiichiro Oda. The series is produced under Toei Animation.
Who Are in the Cast of One Piece?
Behind the characters of the animated series are a group of talented voice actors, namely:
- Mayumi Tanaka as Monkey D. Luffy
- Kazuyai Nakai as Roronoa Zoro
- Akemi Okamura as Nami
- Kappei Yamaguchi as Usopp
- Hiroaki Hirata as Sanji
- Ikue Otani as Tony Tony Chopper
- Yuriko Yamaguchi as Nico Robin
- Kazuki Yao as Franky
- Cho as Brook
Who Are the Main Characters of One Piece?
The main characters of “One Piece” are:
- Monkey D. Luffy – The highly optimistic and ambitious captain of the Straw Hat crew. He possesses elastic abilities after accidentally consuming the Gum-Gum fruit.
- Roronoa Zoro – A skilled swordsman who dreams of becoming the world’s greatest swordsman.
- Nami – The Straw Hats’ expert navigator with a troubled past.
- Usopp – A talented marksman who loves sharing imaginative tales to the crew.
- Sanji – The group’s cook and martial artist, who’s also best known for his chivalrous nature.
- Tony Tony Chopper – A shapeshifting reindeer who serves as the crew’s doctor.
- Nico Robin – A brilliant archeologist with the ability to create additional limbs.
- Franky – The crew’s cyborg handyman possessing superhuman strength.
- Brook – The cheerful skeletal musician of the Straw Hat Pirates with the extraordinary ability to revive himself.
Why Is One Piece So Popular?
“One Piece” achieved widespread fame and success due to its imaginative approach to storytelling. Through the crew’s search for One Piece, the show effectively crafted an engaging storyline and an epic world-building that has kept viewers invested for decades. The series also explored relatable themes like friendship and loyalty, adding an emotional depth to the story that transcends cultural boundaries, which ultimately attracted a massive global fanbase. Aside from these, the show’s interesting and diverse characters and distinct animation style contributed greatly to the series’ enduring popularity.
What Do Critics Say About One Piece?
“One Piece” gained positive reception from anime fans and critics alike for its feel-good elements and highly detailed world-building. Here’s what critics have to say about “One Piece”:
- “One Piece is a pretty good time. It’s a colorful, funny, action-packed kids’ adventure show.” – IGN Movies.
- “While One Piece is anything but a children’s show, older tweens and up can have a fun romp while watching this gem of a Japanese anime.” – Common Sense Media
How Many Seasons of One Piece Are Available?
“One Piece” currently has 20 seasons and 1,088 episodes. The show is divided into numerous “arcs,” each encompassing a different set of adventures for the Straw Hat Pirates. Here are the major arcs in the “One Piece” series:
Romance Dawn Arc
This arc sets the stage for Luffy’s journey to finding One Piece and in becoming the King of Pirates.
Orange Town Arc
The crew faces Buggy the Clown in Orange Town.
Syrup Village Arc
Usopp joins the Straw Hat Pirates after they help him defend his village from the Black Cat Pirates.
Baratie Arc
The Straw Hat Pirates convinces Sanji to join the team as their cook while confronting Don Kriegg.
Arlong Park Arc
Nami’s mysterious past unfolds as the crew battles Arlong and his fish-man crew.
Loguetown Arc
The crew arrives at Loguetown, where Gol D. Roger is executed.
Warship Island Arc
The crew escorted a girl named Apis and her old animal friend, Senneryu, back to his home.
Reverse Mountain Arc
The Straw Hats must navigate the tricky and dangerous Reverse Mountain before they finally cross over into the Grand Line.
Whiskey Peak Arc
Suspicions arise as the Straw Hats arrive at Whiskey Peak, where they are welcomed as celebrities.
Little Garden Arc
The crew explores the prehistoric island of Little Garden where two giants are engaging in an eternal battle.
Drum Island Arc
Tony Tony Chopper makes his first appearance as he comes to Nami’s aid when she falls ill. Meanwhile, the crew encounters the mysterious Dr. Kureha and fights off the villain Wapol.
One Piece Fans and Community
Join Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates by purchasing fan collectibles such as cosplay costumes, posters, manga, accessories, toy figures, and more at the official One Piece store. You can also find must-have merchandise on Crunchyroll’s official online store.
If you’re on a budget, you can opt to buy affordable, fan-made “One Piece” memorabilia on Amazon.
Is One Piece Canceled?
No, “One Piece” is not canceled. The 21st season of the show is set to premiere in Japan in January 2024.