“Princess Mononoke” is a gripping animated movie about the conflict between the gods of nature and humanity. In this beautifully animated movie from Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, viewers will expect a complex battle of morals for balance and harmony.
Read on to find out where to watch “Princess Mononoke” in Canada and witness an exhilarating adventure on how humanity and nature settle their differences.
Table of Contents
What Is Princess Mononoke All About?
“Princess Mononoke,” tells the story of a young prince named Ashitaka who becomes a witness to the war between gods and humans. He becomes involved in this war when he encounters San, a ferocious warrior who fights alongside the gods and despises the humans who take advantage of nature. On the other side, an equally fearless woman named Lady Eboshi shows no fear in taunting the gods as she seeks the betterment of her people. The movie revolves around this conflict and tries to show the viewers how balance could be achieved.
Who Is in the Cast and Production of Princess Mononoke?
“Princess Mononoke” was created and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Toshio Suzuki. It was produced by Studio Ghibli, a popular Japanese animated film studio that often produces Hayao Miyazaki’s films. Later on, an English dub of the movie was released with Neil Gaiman working as the movie’s scriptwriter. The movie features an excellent cast in both its Japanese and English versions. Some of the cast members include:
- Yoji Matsuda / Billy Crudup as Ashitaka
- Yuriko Ishida / Claire Danes as San
- Yuko Tanaka / Minnie Driver as Lady Eboshi
- Kaoru Kobayashi / Billy Bob Thornton as Jigo
- Masahiko Nishimura / John DeMita as Kouroku
- Tsunehiko Kamijo / John DiMaggio as Gonza
- Akihiro Miwa / Gillian Anderson as Moro
What is the Rating for Princess Mononoke?
“Princess Mononoke” received a TV-14 and PG-13 rating which means that audiences below the intended age restrictions may not be suitable to view the movie. It may contain scenes that depict blood, violence, and mature topics which may not be advisable for younger viewers.
How Many People Watch Princess Mononoke?
While there are no accurate numbers on how many people watch “Princess Mononoke” on streaming and Video on Demand platforms, it still remains one of Studio Ghibli’s most popular movies. It went on to become the highest-grossing film in Japan in 1997. It even became more popular due to the release of the English dub version and international releases. As of 2020, the film had already grossed $194.3 million because of international re-releases.
How Are the Reviews for Princess Mononoke?
“Princess Mononoke” is considered to be one of Miyazaki’s masterpieces when it comes to well-written stories. Its ability to portray environmentalism and Japanese mythology has been the highlight of what the critics praise about this movie. It boasts an excellent 93% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, an 8.3/10 score on IMDb, and a 76/100 score on Metacritic. Here are some of what critics said about “Princess Mononoke”:
- “Princess Mononoke’s greatest feat is in crafting a story that could’ve been so easily simple, but manages to be more morally complex than even the most epic live-action films,” says Christopher Runyon of the Movie Mezzanine.
- “The film’s strength lies in its refusal to paint either its arguments or its characters in black and white: There are no pure heroes, no clear-cut villains, and no pat answers,” says Ernest Hardy of LA Weekly.
Where to Watch Princess Mononoke in Canada?
“Princess Mononoke” is available on streaming platforms in Canada.
Is Princess Mononoke Available on Streaming?
“Princess Mononoke” is available for streaming on Netflix. The platform offers the following subscription plans:
Plan | Price | Number of Simultaneous Screens | Streaming Quality |
Basic with Ads | CAD$5.99 | 1 device | SD |
Basic | CAD$9.99 | 1 device | HD |
Standard | CAD$16.49 | 2 devices | HD |
Premium | CAD$20.99 | 4 devices | Ultra HD |
Netflix offers a wide selection of movies and series that you can access when you subscribe to any subscription plan. If you are looking for a go-to streaming platform, Netflix has got you covered with movies like “Coraline” and other Studio Ghibli movies like “My Neighbor Totoro” available to stream bringing convenience to your next movie night.
Is Princess Mononoke Available for Rent (VOD)?
“Princess Mononoke” is available to be rented or purchased on different VOD platforms available in Canada. These platforms offer different prices and you can choose which one is the most convenient for you.
Platform | Rent | Purchase |
Apple TV | CAD$6.99 | CAD$11.99 |
Google Play | CAD$3.99 | CAD$11.99 |
Microsoft | CAD$3.99 | CAD$7.99 |
Youtube Movies | CAD$3.99 | CAD$11.99 |
Is Princess Mononoke on Cable or Free TV?
“Princess Mononoke” is not on any Free TV or cable networks in Canada.
Should I Use a VPN to Watch Princess Mononoke?
There is no need to use a VPN to watch “Princess Mononoke” because it is readily available on Netflix and VOD platforms in Canada.
A Balance Between Nature and Humanity
“Princess Mononoke” stands as a crowning achievement in animated filmmaking and storytelling. It weaves a spellbinding tale set in a mythical land where nature and humans collide. The boundary between the two is often blurred out by greed when humanity tries to take more than what nature can give. It is a tale that’s been told numerous times but “Princess Mononoke” serves as a reminder of what happens when nature and its gods fight back. The movie might be gritty but underneath is an important message of balance, harmony, and respect for all living and non-living things.
Learn the interconnectedness of all and prepare to be immersed in a tale that transcends traditional boundaries. Watch “Princess Mononoke” on Netflix and VOD services in Canada.