“The Batman” is a superhero film based on the iconic DC character of the same name, directed by Matt Reeves. Released on March 4, 2022, “The Batman” centers on the superhero’s early years as a vigilante detective investigating a series of gruesome murders orchestrated by the infamous villain, The Riddler. With its grittier and darker portrayal of the iconic superhero and Robert Pattinson’s impressionable performance in the lead role, “The Batman” generated significant buzz both from longtime fans of the franchise and newcomers.
“The Batman” is available to stream on Max and Netflix US in Canada. However, due to licensing agreements and geo-restrictions that limit their availability only to the US, accessing these platforms in Canada would require a VPN subscription.
You can also buy or rent “The Batman” digitally on video-on-demand (VOD) platforms like Apple TV, Microsoft Store, Cineplex Store, and Prime Video.
If you prefer having physical copies of your favorite movies, you can also enjoy “The Batman” at home on formats like DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K.
TechDaily’s goal is to provide Canadian viewers with the best guides on where they can stream the most popular TV shows and movies. This article will delve into each streaming option where they can watch “The Batman” to help them determine which platform offers the best viewing experience.
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1. Max
You can stream “The Batman” on Max in 4K with subtitles. Other popular DC movies, like “Suicide Squad,” “Justice League,” “Joker,” and “The Dark Knight,” are also available to stream on Max.
“The Batman” can be streamed on Max on various devices, like iOS and Android phones, smart TVs, computers, tablets, set-top boxes, and video game consoles like the Xbox series and the Sony PlayStation. You can only avail of Max’s free trial if you subscribe to it as an add-on channel on Prime Video or Hulu.
A VPN subscription is necessary for viewers in Canada to access Max since it is only available in the US and select European regions.
How to Watch “The Batman” On Max In Canada
You can only watch “The Batman” on Max in Canada by using a VPN service:
- Subscribe to a VPN service. (ExpressVPN is our #1 recommendation)
- Download and install the VPN app on your preferred device.
- Connect to a server in the US.
- Open the Max website or app, then sign up for an account.
- Prepare a US-issued form of payment. Max accepts credit/debit cards (Discover, Visa, Mastercard, American Express) and PayPal.
- Search for “The Batman” in its library, hit play, and start streaming.
Tip: You can use a VPN to mask your IP address, encrypt your Internet traffic, block suspicious third-party websites and advertisers from tracking your information, and maintain your anonymity when connected to public WiFi networks.
It is legal in Canada to use VPNs, but Max is known for actively blocking IP addresses that are connected to VPNs. We highly recommend choosing ExpressVPN as your VPN provider, as it is proven to be an effective, secure, and fast tool for streaming geo-restricted content in Canada.
With ExpressVPN, you can avail yourself of a 30-day risk-free trial and a 30-day money-back guarantee if you click the link below:
To watch “The Batman” on Max, sign up for an account and choose any of the following membership plans:
Plan | Monthly | Annual | Simultaneous streams | Video resolution | Number of downloads |
Ad-Lite | $9.99 | $99.99 | 2 streams | HD | None |
Ad-Free | $15.99 | $149.99 | 2 streams | HD | 30 titles |
Ultimate Ad-Free | $19.99 | $199.99 | 4 streams | HD to 4K | 100 titles |
2. Netflix
You can also stream “The Batman” on Netflix US in HD with subtitles in several languages.
On Netflix, you can watch “The Batman” through any Internet-connected device, such as smartphones, smart TVs, computers, tablets, set-top boxes, media players, and game consoles. Unfortunately, there’s no way to stream “The Batman” without charges since Netflix axed its free trial offer in 2020.
While Netflix is available in Canada, “The Batman” can only be streamed on Netflix US due to licensing agreements.
How to Watch “The Batman” On Netflix In Canada
You can only watch “The Batman” on Netflix in Canada by using a VPN service:
- Subscribe to a VPN service. (ExpressVPN is our #1 recommendation)
- Download and install the VPN app on your preferred device.
- Connect to a server in the US.
- Open the Netflix website or app, then sign up for an account.
- Prepare a US-issued form of payment. Netflix accepts credit/debit cards (Discover, Visa, Mastercard, American Express), PayPal, and Netflix gift cards.
- Search for “The Batman” in its library, hit play, and start streaming.
Like on Max, you can also use ExpressVPN to access Netflix US.
Make sure to click on the link below if you want a 30-day risk-free trial and a 30-day money-back guarantee on ExpressVPN:
To stream “The Batman” on Netflix US, register for an account and subscribe to any of its plans:
Plan | Price | Number of simultaneous screens | Streaming quality |
Standard with ads | $6.99 | 2 devices | HD |
Standard | $15.49 | 2 devices | HD |
Premium | $22.99 | 4 devices | Ultra HD |
3. Apple TV
You can also buy “The Batman” on Apple TV for CAD$9.99 and rent it for CAD$4.99. “The Batman” streams in 4K on Apple TV with Dolby Atmos, Dolby Vision, and Dolby 5.1, ideal for viewers seeking a dynamic and immersive cinematic experience. The movie also includes Audio Descriptions (AD), Closed Captions (CC), and subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH) in more than 15 languages, designed for viewers with hearing difficulties. Apple TV typically gives users 30 days to start watching rented films and 48 hours to finish them.
4. Microsoft Store
The Microsoft Store also offers “The Batman” for purchase and rent for the same price as Apple TV. The movie streams from SD to 4K and includes Closed Captions (CC) and subtitles in English. The film is also available in French audio. Upon renting, you have 14 days to start watching the film and 48 hours to finish it.
5. Cineplex Store
“The Batman” is also available for rent and purchase at the Cineplex Store, the Canadian VOD platform. Buying the film at the Cineplex Store costs CAD$15.99, while rentals cost CAD$5.99. The movie also includes Closed Captions (CC). When renting, make sure to start watching the film within 30 days and finish it in 48 hours.
6. Prime Video
You can also buy or rent “The Batman” on Prime Video for the same prices as Apple TV and the Microsoft Store. “The Batman” streams in 4K on Prime Video but does not include any subtitles.
Fans eager for a “The Batman” sequel are in for a delight as a second film is currently in the works, according to Variety. The sequel, titled “The Batman: Part Two,” will make its premiere in theaters on October 3, 2025, with Robert Pattinson reprising his role as the Caped Crusader. While you wait for the sequel to arrive, you can binge-watch other films in the “Batman” franchise, such as “The Dark Knight Rises,” “Batman Begins,” and “Batman Returns.”