“The Rookie” is an American police procedural crime drama that airs on the ABC network. The series follows the story of John Nolan, the LAPD’s 45-year-old rookie police officer who’s seeking a fresh start in his career. Released in 2018, “The Rookie” sets itself apart from most procedural series with its exploration of the human side of law enforcement and its unique character-driven narrative. As John Nolan navigates the trials and triumphs of being a rookie police officer at a mature age, the series delves into themes of second chances and personal growth and serves as a special reminder that age is never a barrier in pursuing one’s dreams and in forging new, genuine connections.
Viewers in Canada can stream all seasons and episodes of “The Rookie” on subscription-based streaming services such as Hulu and Crave. However, some platforms, like Hulu, are geo-restricted in Canada, so remember to subscribe to a VPN provider before accessing the platform.
Seasons 1 to 4 of the series are also available on physical home media like DVD and Blu-ray box sets.
Before you follow John Nolan’s heartwarming tale of career aspirations and second chances, we will give you a comprehensive guide to all the streaming options where you can watch “The Rookie” series in Canada, from subscription-based platforms and video-on-demand services to physical home media formats.
Table of Contents
1. Hulu
Hulu is a subscription-based streaming platform owned by The Walt Disney Studios. Hulu provides an extensive streaming library that includes TV shows, movies, live TV, and live sports events. Hulu is also known for its flexible and diverse membership plans, which include various add-ons and exclusive Disney Plus and ESPN Plus bundles.
Hulu offers new users a 30-day free trial, which they can cancel at any time. The platform is also compatible with various devices such as smartphones, smart TVs, computers, tablets, laptops, web browsers, media players, and even game consoles like Xbox and PlayStation.
“The Rookie” currently has five seasons and 98 episodes, which are all available to stream on Hulu. Unfortunately, Hulu is only available in the US, so you must use a VPN to access Hulu in Canada.
How to Watch “The Rookie” Series On Hulu In Canada
The only way to watch “The Rookie” series on Hulu in Canada is by using a VPN service:
- Subscribe to a VPN service. (ExpressVPN is our #1 recommendation)
- Download and install the VPN app on your preferred device.
- Connect to a server in the US.
- Open the Hulu website or app, then log in or sign up.
- Prepare a US-issued form of payment. Hulu accepts debit/credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover) and PayPal.
- Once registered, search for “The Rookie” in its library, hit play, and start streaming.
Tip: Using a VPN helps not only in bypassing geo-restrictions, but it can also be beneficial in strengthening your online security by encrypting your data, hiding your IP address, allowing secure browsing on public Wi-Fi networks, and even helping you get discounts on certain online purchases.
VPNs are legal in Canada, but bypassing Hulu’s geo-restrictions in areas outside the US can be challenging. But with ExpressVPN, our top VPN recommendation, you can seamlessly bypass Hulu’s geo-restrictions in Canada.
With ExpressVPN, you are eligible for a 30-day risk-free trial and a 30-day money-back guarantee if you use the link below:
To watch all seasons and episodes of “The Rookie” series on Hulu, register for an account and subscribe to any of its following monthly plans:
Plan | Monthly fee | Simultaneous screens | Access to Hulu library | Access to Disney Plus and ESPN+ | Streaming quality |
No ads | $14.99 | 2 | Yes | No | HD |
With ads | $7.99 | 2 | Yes | Yes | HD |
Student (with ads) | $1.99 | 1 | Yes | No | HD |
2. Crave
Crave is a Canada-exclusive on-demand streaming service owned and operated by Bell Media. Its streaming library provides original, local programming, as well as TV shows and movies from reputable studios like HBO, Starz, Showtime, Super Ecran, and more.
Devices like smartphones, smart TVs, tablets, computers, laptops, web browsers, media players, and game consoles are all compatible with Crave. Crave also offers a 7-day free trial for new subscribers.
All seasons of “The Rookie” are also available on Crave. To stream “The Rookie” on Crave, sign up for an account and choose any of its following membership plans:
Plan | Monthly | Annual | Video resolution | Simultaneous streams |
Basic with ads | CAD$9.99 | CAD$99.90 | 720p | 1 device |
Standard with ads | CAD$14.99 | CAD$149.90 | 4K | 4 devices |
Premium ad-free | CAD$19.99 | CAD$199.99 | 4K | 4 devices |
What Is the Best Streaming Option to Watch The Rookie in Canada?
The best streaming option to watch “The Rookie” in Canada is Hulu. If you’re after a budget-friendly platform, then choose Hulu. Hulu offers an affordable monthly plan that starts at $7.99, compared to Crave’s starting plan of CAD$9.99. Its library is also bigger than Crave’s if you’re looking for a service with a diverse and extensive library. On Hulu, you can stream other hit procedural crime dramas such as “Criminal Minds,” “Fargo,” “Chicago P.D..,” “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,” and more.
What Is The Rookie About?
“The Rookie” centers on John Nolan, the 45-year-old rookie police officer of the Los Angeles Police Department LAPD. John decides to enter the police force at 45 after his life was turned upside down by a divorce and a bank robbery he stopped from happening. Although John has consistently proven himself to be a competent officer, John’s superiors still doubt him and believe that he will not make it in the profession.
“The Rookie” explores John’s challenges in navigating a new career as he works alongside younger and more experienced colleagues. Through John’s journey, the series presents that it’s never too late to pursue one’s career aspirations.
Who Are the Creators of The Rookie?
The creator of the show is the American TV writer Alexi Hawley. The series is produced under production studios like Entertainment One, Perfectman Pictures, and ABC Signature.
Who Are in the Cast of The Rookie?
“The Rookie” boasts a great set of actors and actresses, including:
- Nathan Fillion as John Nolan
- Alyssa Diaz as Angela Lopez
- Richard T. Jones as Wade Grey
- Titus Makin Jr. as Jackson West
- Melissa O’Neil as Lucy Chen
- Eric Winter as Tim Bradford
- Mekia Cox as Nyla Harper
- Shawn Ashmore as Wesley Evers
Who Are the Main Characters of The Rookie?
The main characters of “The Rookie” include:
- John Nolan – A 45-year-old rookie cop who joins the Los Angeles Police Department after a life-altering event.
- Angela Lopez – A detective and training officer who provides guidance and support to the rookies.
- Wade Grey – The LAPD’s commanding officer, tasked with overseeing its operations and personnel.
- Jackson West – John’s fellow rookie cop.
- Lucy Chen – Another rookie officer who was initially partnered with John.
- Tim Bradford – A training officer known for his tough and disciplined approach to training rookies.
Why Is The Rookie So Popular?
“The Rookie” has amassed a dedicated following and has been well-received by viewers due to its heartwarming and compelling blend of procedural drama, second chances, and personal growth. Nathan Fillion’s outstanding acting performance as John Nolan is also confirmed by many to be the key contributor to the show’s overall appeal. Its exploration of redemption and ageism in the workplace, which shows how age doesn’t matter in pursuing a new life and career path, inspires and encourages a broader audience to believe in the possibility of reinventing one’s self regardless of their age and experience.
What Do Critics Say About The Rookie?
“The Rookie” is generally favored by critics and audiences alike, with many enjoying Nathan Fillion’s performance as John Nolan. However, some people would like to see more memorable storylines to complement the cast’s performance.
“The Rookie” has a 68% rating on Rotten Tomatoes’ Tomatometer with an audience score of 91%. See what critics have to say about “The Rookie”:
- “It’s kind of fun to have a series more interested in building out a large ensemble of characters, where the cases are secondary to the characters bouncing off each other.” – Vox
- “If anyone but Fillion tossed out a line so smothered in schmaltz, you’d either laugh or groan. But Mr. Likable nails it and largely nails this comfy, corny and (yup) likable pilot, too.” – Newsday
How Many Seasons of The Rookie Are Available?
“The Rookie” series currently has five seasons. Here’s a quick recap of each season:
Season 1 (2018 )
The first season introduces John Nolan as he enters the police force at a mature age while forming genuine bonds with his colleagues.
- “Pilot”
- “Crash Course”
- “The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly”
- “The Switch”
- “The Roundup”
- “The Hawke”
- “The Ride Along”
- “Time of Death”
- “Standoff”
- “Flesh and Blood”
- “Redwood”
- “Heartbreak”
- “Caught Stealing”
- “Plain Clothes Day”
- “Manhunt”
- “Greenlight”
- “The Shake Up”
- “Homefront”
- “The Checklist”
- “Free Fall”
Season 2 (2019)
John adopted leadership responsibilities within LAPD while the rest of the rookies faced challenges in their roles.
- “Impact”
- “The Night General”
- “The Bet”
- “Warriors and Guardians”
- “Tough Love”
- “Fallout”
- “Safety”
- “Clean Cut”
- “Breaking Point”
- “The Dark Side”
- “Day of Death”
- “Now and Then”
- “Follow-Up Day”
- “Casualties”
- “Hand-Off”
- “The Overnight”
- “Control”
- “Under the Gun”
- “The Q Word”
- “The Hunt”
- “Deadline”
- “The Rookie: CTU” (Special Episode)
Season 3 (2021)
The LAPD team navigates complex cases while dealing with personal and relationship issues within their squad.
- “Consequences”
- In Justice”
- “La Flera”
- “Sabotage”
- “Lockdown”
- “Revelations”
- “True Crime”
- “Bad Blood”
- “Amber”
- “Man of Honor”
- “New Blood”
- “Brave Heart”
- “Triple Duty”
- “Threshold”
Season 4 (2021)
Nolan and the rest of the LAPD team work with the DEA to face a dangerous kidnapping incident.
- “\Life and Death”
- “Five Minutes”
- “In the Line of Fire”
- “Red Hot”
- “A.C.H.”
- “Poetic Justice”
- “Fire Flight”
- “Breakdown”
- “Heart Beat”
- “End Game”
- “The Knock”
- Fight or Flight”
- “Long Shot”
- “Hit List”
- “Real Crime”
- “Coding”
- “Backstabbers”
- “Simone”
- “Enervo”
- “Mother’s Day”
- “Day in the Hole”
Season 5 (2022)
In the fifth season, Nolan is rewarded for his heroic deeds during his duties. He is offered a “Golden Ticket,” which gives him the freedom to choose his assignment in the LAPD.
- “Double Down”
- “Labor Day”
- “Dye Hard”
- “The Choice”
- “The Fugitive”
- “The Reckoning”
- “Crossfire”
- “The Collar”
- “Take Back”
- “The List”
- “The Naked and the Dead”
- “Death Notice”
- “Daddy Cop”
- “Death Sentence”
- “The Con”
- “Exposed”
- “The Enemy Within”
- “Double Trouble”
- “A Hole in the World”
- “S.T.R.”
- “Going Under”
- “Under Seige”
The Rookie Fans and Community
Represent John Nolan and the rest of the LAPD team with the official “The Rookie” merchandise such as clothing, accessories, tote bags, and mugs, all available for purchase on the ABC online store.
Will There Be A New Season of The Rookie?
Yes, “The Rookie” has been renewed for a sixth season last April 2023. The new season is scheduled for release on February 20, 2024, on the ABC channel.